Academia Regenerar

#038 - Raquel Jesus - Tree Time Chi Kung

In this episode of “Ser Sustentável”, a podcast dedicated to unraveling the mysteries and wisdom of sustainability and personal regeneration. In this episode, we are privileged to host Raquel Jesus for the second time. Hosted by Lourenço de Azevedo, This podcast is part of our Regenerar project and is aimed at engaging with personalities and practices that contribute to sustainable living and personal growth.

In this episode, we dive deeper into Raquel’s teachings, particularly focusing on Chi Kung and her unique philosophy she calls “Tree Time”.

Raquel’s teachings are predominantly in English, which allows her to connect with her students based in Holland and other parts of the world. This has prompted us to conduct this session in English, thereby enabling her diverse audience to partake in our discussions.

“Tree Time” is an concept that Raquel has developed over years of teaching and exploring Chi Kung. The practice embodies characteristics of trees, drawing comparisons between human existence and nature. For instance, our feet resemble roots, our body trunk mimics that of a tree, our arms are like branches, and our fingers could be seen as leaves. This anthropomorphism reflects our innate desire to find connections with nature and understand it better.

However, Raquel’s teachings go beyond these observable similarities. She challenges us to identify aspects of trees that are entirely alien to human existence.

For instance, unlike humans who can move around freely, trees are rooted in one place throughout their lifespan. The challenge lies in recognizing these dissimilarities and understanding what they can teach us about life and ourselves.

This episode takes us on a journey through the host’s personal experiences and transformations since moving to the countryside in 2016. It talks about the gradual shift from merely observing nature’s beauty to truly connecting with it on a deeper level. The narrative emphasizes the importance of receptivity and the ability to appreciate nature without always trying to draw parallels with our own existence.

In the latter part of the discussion, Raquel talks about an article she wrote, which  encapsulates her work and teachings.

She emphasizes the challenge of developing a symbiotic relationship with trees that are so different from us. The article is a map to deepening our understanding of nature and encouraging us to embrace its strangeness.

The conversation with Raquel Jesus is enlightening and profound, revealing new perspectives on our relationship with nature. By shedding light on an complementary way that Chi Kung can be observed, this episode invites listeners to step outside their comfort zones and explore unfamiliar territories.

Raquel is an avid explorer of the arts that create a fusion between the body we inhabit and its relationship with the mind.

Her roots delve into Chi Kung (Zhan Zhuang, Ba Duan Jin), trauma healing (Somatic Experiencing®), and pre and perinatal embodied consciousness.

She was initiated into the Path of Pollen now known as Lyceum, an ancient tradition of European bee shamanism taught by the Sacred Trust in the United Kingdom.

She has been a certified Somatic Experiencing practitioner since 2013 and has been involved with the Neuroleadership Institute in advanced training techniques.

As a chi kung facilitator, she has practiced and studied for over ten years with Peter den Dekker. Peter den Dekker is the author of the book “The Dynamics of Standing Still”.

In the field of pre and perinatal consciousness, Raquel is an Integrative baby Therapist who integrates with her training of Conscious Embodiments completed in 2017.

She continues to follow specialized training in the area of pre and perinatal psychology and relational neurobiology, in order to better support parents and babies.

More about Raquel’s work can be found here: